If you encounter these responses when confronting a loved one, friend or coworker about his/her behavior, you may want to consult the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) if you have access to one. The EAP can help you deal with your own frustrations in dealing with a substance abuser and give you pointers about how to most effectively confront the individual. When talking to the person with the problem, you will want to be straight forward and serious about the problem. Convey that you care and are worried and encourage him or her to follow up with the EAP or seek other help.
If you do not have an EAP available, you may want to seek help from a professional counselor who is experienced in addressing addiction. You may also find it helpful to attend an Al-Anon meeting where other family, friends and loved ones of alcoholics and drug addicts share their experience, strength and hope as they struggle to cope to come to terms with the effects of addiction.